Making it through the long winter

Making it through the long winter

Why You Should Use Organic Fertilizer for Your Garden

Meghan West

The ultimate goal of any gardener is to end up with vibrant and healthy plants in their outdoor space. To achieve this goal, fertilizer is typically used to promote plant growth. At the core, garden fertilizers are chemical compounds that are applied to plants either through their leaves or through soil uptake.

The debate between organic and inorganic fertilizer has been extensive in recent years. Indeed, the potential effects of several chemicals on soil, the environment and on the plants themselves have sparked the need for more environmentally sustainable components to be used in fertilizer. As a result, organic fertilizer has risen in popularity among gardeners.

What are organic fertilizers?

Organic fertilizers use naturally occurring compounds during the manufacturing process to end up with the final product. They contain nutrients that are essential to the growth of the plant, and they boost the productivity of the surrounding soil. By minimizing the use of potentially harmful chemicals, organic fertilizers result in healthier plants and healthier soil.

There are several ingredients that define an organic fertilizer. Some of these include potash, limestone, phosphate, nitrate, and most other carbon-containing compounds. You will find that the term "organic" in fertilizer does not necessarily mean that all the components are naturally occurring. It mainly refers to the components used in the final product remaining in their naturally bound state, with minimal processing or refining.

Benefits of Using Organic Fertilizer

Organic fertilizers improve soil health

By using components that are in their naturally occurring state, organic fertilizer tends to improve soil structure and even increase its ability to retain nutrients and water. This is because the organic components of the fertilizer can break down and mix with the existing soil to boost nutrient levels and correct structural deficits such as large spaces between soil particles.

In addition, organic fertilizer works through a "slow release" mechanism, where the components of the fertilizer are slowly discharged into the soil and cause minimal disruptions to existing ecosystems.

They don't use harmful chemicals

The defining aspect of organic fertilizers is that they don't contain any harmful chemicals in their composition. You therefore don't have to worry about leaching, soil pollution, and toxic buildup in the soil and plants.

Organic fertilizer is biodegradable

A common problem with inorganic fertilizer is that it lingers in the soil for a long time and slowly reduces the overall health and productivity of your garden. Organic fertilizer solves this problem by being biodegradable. Once applied to plants and soil, the unused fertilizer slowly decomposes and is used up by the soil.


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Making it through the long winter

It's been a long and hard winter for many farmers in my area. We rely on agricultural suppliers and stores to get us feed and supplies through the winter. It can be hard to balance the books and sometimes you need to make some hard decisions to have enough money to make it through the winter. If you are a farmer making some hard decision on how to afford to keep your livestock and crops healthy through a long winter, then this blog has tips on how to make it through a long winter as a farmer with a limited operational budget.